
Seen: “Solsticio” group show at Kates-Ferri Projects

Last Thursday was the opening reception for the beautiful group show SOLSTICIO at Kates-Ferri Projects. Curated by Eduardo Carrera R., the exhibition goes “[b]eyond merely showcasing the output of contemporary Ecuadorian artists living in the United States, …[and] underscores their influence on the artistic portrayal of spatial dynamics, territoriality, and the human condition as a foreigner. It presents a diverse array of artistic concepts, languages, and stances.” 

Moreover, the curatorial statement notes that the exhibition “celebrates the solstice as a moment of transition and transformation, signifying the onset of summer. The featured artworks channel a variety of mediums, including painting, photography, ceramic, and drawing. The selected artists engage with themes including abstraction, geometry, territory, landscape, and urban and psychological environments, delving into the symbolic significance of our bodies’ cyclical orbit around the Sun.” 

Works that caught my eye include: 

  1. Stephano Espinoza Galarza
  2. Boris Torres
  3. Karina Aguilera Skvirsky
  4. Juan Miguel Marin
  5. Mary Valverde
  6. Cecil Chong

SOLSTICIO is on view through July 20.

Rob Fields
Rob Fields

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