
A Studio Visit With: Natasha Das

I finally got to meet artist Natasha Das yesterday. I’ve been following her since the fall when Florence Lynch at Marc Straus Gallery introduced me to her work. Since then, I’ve been a fan.

Natasha started out as a painter, studying oil painting in Florence, Italy. As her bio notes, she “introduced thread into her practice after training under an exclusively male artisanal weaving group in Assam in the Northeastern part of India where she was born. The thread and needle process mirrored her experiences with oil but gave her newfound inspiration through its inherent tactility…Composing these hybrid pictures pushes Das to understand color and material in more chaotic ways than she had ever before thought to, creating complex aesthetic dialogues to previously unexplored means.” One of the things I was looking forward to was to see some of the work she’d recently shared on IG. It looked like she was using thread with some shimmer to it. By the time, I arrived, those pieces had been sold to some collectors. Of course, they had. I look forward to watching Natasha’s work and practice evolve. 

Her work has been exhibited at the Hudson Valley Museum of Contemporary Art, the Hunterdon Art Museum and Gross McLeaf Gallery in Philadelphia. Her work is included in numerous private collections in the US, Europe, and Asia, as well as in public collections such as Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the Kiran Nadar Museum of Art in Delhi, India.

Rob Fields
Rob Fields

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